Currently CLOSED for Services.
Welcome Friends!

Petsitting Service is interested in your pets as our first priority.
We'll do whatever it takes to make you and your loved ones feel
comfortable about leaving your animals at home! This can include email
and phone updates, daily journals, and even photo albums: just ask!

We offer local quality petsitting in Chittenden/ Addison County (VT). We are insured and bonded through PSA, LLC. Services range from care of caged pets to large farm animals, medical attention, and even staying in your home for around-the-clock companionship! We specialize in small animals and horses.

Please explore this site, and feel free to call or email us to learn more about our extensive services. Thank you for visiting!

Owner: Sabrina Bateman
Bristol, VT 05443
Due to the nature of varying schedules, reception zones, and non-stop telemarketers email is the main way to contact me at this time